Friday, April 16, 2010


Hello family and friends,

It has been way too long since I last wrote - so much has happened since then...including buying and renovating our cute little Vancouver East Side condo, moving to Kelowna for 8 months and catching lots of adorable babies. Just wanted to update you on the next exciting adventure Matthew and I have signed ourselves up for - in 2 weeks we are headed to Nepal for 2 months!

This opportunity came through the UBC Midwifery Program, which offers students the opportunity to do an international placement in the summer between third and fourth year. I will be going with one of my classmates Lauren to work in two maternity hospitals (in Kathmadu and Bharatpur) and Matthew has taken a leave of absence from work to join us. You can follow Lauren and me on our blog:, which will be devoted to posts about our placement/midwifery related work. Of course, still follow along here too for the adventure side of things, including stories about our trekking and Matthew's volunteer work :)

Ok - now it is time to go get my pack much to do and so little time! And somewhere in the midst of everything I should be learning some Nepali...hmm, we'll see how that goes!



Scott said...

Looking forward to many exciting entries!! Wish we could see you before you guys go. Have fun, be safe, and we'll be thinking of you often.

Unknown said...

Matt, u r going to be close to us, come down for a visit.!!

Rebber said...

We are in your apartment. I already ate the two-bite brownies! Next i'm rifling thru your DVD collection. If I've seen them all I'll have to order a new one on your TV... and you thought you chose good renters- aaah! But seriously, getting settled and hoping you're safe and enjoying the start of your adventure!